Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why do we teach? What is the difference between school "work" and student "learning"?

The reason I want to teach is because I have always loved being around kids and making an impact in there lives. I first relized I wanted to become a teacher when I worked with kids on a mission trip with my youth group. I felt that I really made an impact in their lives and in teaching you have the chance to make a difference in students lives everyday. Also, I have grown up around teachers my whole life and have been able to see teaching inside and out. I feel that a teacher's responsibility is to become a role model for students. I believe the best part of becoming a teacher is being able to impact kids and watching them grow into a better person because of us. The difference between school "work" and student "learning" is school work is used to accomplish the goal of learning. School work leads to student learning. Without school work it would be hard for students to learn in our society today.

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